Local services that can help you
Below is a list of local services for people in Derbyshire who have been bereaved.
We try our best to keep this information up-to-date and accurate but please do contact
the organisation concerned to find out more about their services.

Long Eaton Salvation Army,
New Street,
Long Eaton,
NG10 1HE.
helpline@tcf.org.uk www.tcf.org.uk
Area Served
TCF is a nationwide organisation.
The local group is available to anyone who can travel to Long Eaton.
Who can come?
Bereaved parents, siblings (aged 18 and over) and grandparents who have suffered the death of a child or children at any age from any cause regardless of how recent or years past.
Whats on offer?
The opportunity to meet with other bereaved parents, adult siblings and grandparents. To say our child’s name. To share how we are feeling in a safe, confidential and supportive place.
Area Served
Derby and surrounding areas including Burton-on-Trent and Ashbourne.
Who can come?
Anyone who has experienced a bereavement – adults and children.
Whats on offer?
1:1 support and ongoing bereavement groups in Derby and Burton-on-Trent, provided by volunteers who are trained in bereavement support.

DCHS Footsteps
The Community Room
Swadlincote Fire Station
Civic Way
delphmassey@nhs.net sarah.hanel@nhs.net
Area Served
South Derbyshire
Who can come?
Anyone from South Derbyshire who has ever been bereaved.
Whats on offer?
A friendly group offering company, chat and friendship in a small informal surrounding.
Although we are not trained counsellors, we have all been touched by bereavement and understand the ongoing impact that it has on our lives. Join us for tea and coffee in a relaxed atmosphere.

Derbyshire Asbestos Support Team
34 Glumangate,
S40 1TX
Joanna.reeve@asbestossupport.co.uk www.asbestossupport.co.uk
Area Served
Services available throughout Derbyshire and across the East Midlands offering home visits and monthly Lighthouse Group Meetings.
Who can come?
Anyone who has been bereaved, at any time, through an asbestos related disease.
Whats on offer?
We offer many different types of support. For bereavement support we offer one on one support, home visits, telephone befriending and our Lighthouse Bereavement Support Groups who meet monthly. We also publish a bi-monthly newsletter on our website.
We also offer advice for benefits and posthumous claims, as well as advice on compensation and probate applications. We also provide support through coroner process including inquest, which we know can be a very difficult time.

101-111 Macklin St,
fay.bloor@wathalls.co.uk www.wathalls.co.uk
Area Served
Services available to people in Derby and Derbyshire. You do not need to have had a funeral through Wathall’s to access their bereavement support.
Who can come?
Adults dealing with any bereavement, both recent and historical.
Whats on offer?
Derby Dandelions Meets every 2nd and last Tuesday of the month at Derby Cathedral, Beddoes Room, between 1:30-3:30pm.
Ashbourne Dandelions Meets 1st Wednesday of the month at The Cornerstone Café. 1:30 – 3pm.
Wathall’s also run a 4 week support programme – Dandelions Grief Journey Programme throughout the year. Please see our website for the latest dates or contact Fay Bloor to reserve a place on the next programme.

Area Served
Who can come?
Derby Sands offers support, comfort and understanding to anyone affected by the loss of a baby before, during or after birth
Whats on offer?
We provide support at our monthly support group held on the Second Tuesday of each month: 7.30 pm — 9.30 pm
WEA (Workers Educational Association), The Mill, Lodge Lane, Derby, DE1 3HB
Borrowash Methodist Church Hall
Nottingham Road
DE72 3FL
Area Served
Borrowash, Spondon and surrounding areas
Who can come?
Anyone over the age of 18 who has been bereaved
Whats on offer?
We meet as a small group on the second Thursday of each month from 10:30am – 12noon and provide a space where those who have been bereaved, especially those struggling with the grief process, can meet together and know that they are being listened to, taken seriously and supported.
You can come to us for as long as you need our help.

Tapton Park Innovation Centre,
Brimington Road,
S41 0TZ
bereavement.derbys@tomorrowproject.org.uk www.tomorrowproject.org.uk
Area Served
Derbyshire, including Derby City.
Who can come?
Anyone, of any age who has been bereaved by suicide. This includes family, friends, work colleagues, professionals and communities. Anyone who has been affected by either a recent or historic suicide.
Whats on offer?
We provide a free dedicated, confidential service, offering emotional and practical support which is delivered through one to one, face to face sessions. We always aim to meet both short term and long term needs.
We welcome referrals through our email or by telephone. We accept both agency and self-referrals.

Treetops Hospice
Derby Road,
DE72 3SS
therapy@treetopshospice.org.uk www.treetopshospice.org.uk
Area Served
Service is available to people registered with a GP practice in Derby city, Erewash, Amber Valley and Southern Derbyshire.
Who can come?
Adults, children (age 7+) and young people dealing with bereavement through any type of death.
Whats on offer?
We provide one to one counselling and emotional support for adults, children (age 7+) and young people. We also offer complementary therapy for adults and non-talking therapies for children and young people.
You may also be interested in our Bereavement Support Group – Tears to Laughter – which offers peer support to adults who are grieving.

Via the national organisation:
WAY Widowed and Young
Suite 14, College Business Centre
Uttoxeter New Road
Derby DE22 3WZ
enquiries@widowedandyoung.org.uk www.widowedandyoung.org.uk
Area Served
We run nationally and have a large active group within Derbyshire.
Who can come?
Men and women aged 50 years or younger who have been widowed.
Whats on offer?
A peer-to-peer support group operating with a network of volunteers who have been bereaved at a young age themselves, supporting others through online support and member led face to face events.